Research and Writing
Reflection 1
In my project thus far, I've written my songs and met with a local industry professional to learn how to record my demos. I've presented my rewrites to my vocal coach and mentor, and finalized two of my songs. I am also in the process of communicating with Mr.Spiva to help me with recording my first song. I have spent less time on my project than I would have liked by this point, as college aps are taking up most of my time. On the flip side, I have done a pretty good job of communicating with everyone involved with my project and have finished writing my songs earlier than I anticipated. I need to find answers to the following questions: When I will record with Mr. Spiva, what I will need to do in advance to prepare for recording, if I need musicians to help me record my songs, and what dates I will be available to record. Leading up to November 30th, my goals include recording my first song and finalizing my recording plans for my other songs. In December, I plan to start recording in a professional studio. To help me with time management, I will continue to plan meetings with Mr.Crosson and plan my first meeting with Mr.Spiva. This will help things move faster and help communication be more efficient.

Communication & Evaluation

Asking Mr.Crosson to be my mentor
Reaching out to a family friend/local music industry professional to schedule a meeting to talk about LogicPro (a music production software)
Reaching out to Mr. Spiva to record my first song

The Songwriting Process
The Red Door
The Story
The Red Door was written about moving out of my childhood home, told from the perspective of my house. The song came about when I was assigned to write a story for one of my classes at school. I remember being in Theatre Workshop with Ms. Pollard and she asked everyone what story they might tell. When it was my turn, I told a story of moving around a lot when I was a kid and missing the only house I was able to call home. Without knowing it's from the perspective of the house, you'd think it's about missing an old friend. In thinking that, you'd still be right.

First Write

Final Write
Take 1


Earlier this school year I went into a long-distance relationship which was a hard transition for me (as well as many others in this position). I found that I had to break up with my old relationship to settle into this new period which meant learning how to be by myself. Cocoon is about leaving the safety blanket (the cocoon) of a relationship and growing into your own person from it.
The Story

First write
Final Write
Take 1

FInal Write

First Ideas

When I was little, I used to play pretend like most kids do. In this song I created this character "Camellia" to represent my little self that didn't care about what others thought. When you're little you don't think about what your body looks like or how pretty you are. Camellia also represents someone I wish I could be now. It's a song about longing for the innocence of childhood.
The Story
Take 1

Meeting Grub Mitchell
A local Industry Professional
Grub Mitchell has been involved in the Sacramento music scene for years. He's been involved in many projects, but most popularly the band Loose Engines. He's produced all of their albums using the same music production soft-ware that I used for my EP.

I met Grub in his home studio where we produces and records all of the music for Loose Engines. He asked me not to take pictures. During our meeting, we discussed the basic functions of Logic Pro such as recording, amplifiers, different tones to put on vocals and basic recording structure.